Good News Press
Good News Press is a non profit ministry dedicated to equip Christian missions with printing and publishing equipment needs to get out the Word of God and the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
We sell offset printing presses, computer to plate and companion equipment to missions at our cost. Ron Link is is the director. He has 35 years of experience in the printing field. Ron networks
with dealers and printers globally to purchase and pass along very good printing equipment to be used for the Masters use. He can be reached in the USA at 269-695-0848 or 574-831-2111 ext.
Good News Press was established around the year 2001, when a missionary dismantled an offset printing press, crated it and flew to Africa and reassembled it on site. He trained nationals to
print gospel tracts and literature by the thousands in the local language.
If you have any questions or need help finding a particular video, dvd, tract, book or any other Christian resource in any language of the world, please contact